Have you ever thought on following the informations about yours trades in real time, or even sending it to other people? In today's text, you'll learn about the Telegram Report, the new CMTrade tool that sends notifications to Telegram of trades carried out in MetaTrader5.
The Telegram Report is a complete tool. You can send notifications of trades carried out in MetaTrader5 to Telegram in real time. In addition, the tool sends a daily report, presenting a summary of the negotiations and the daily financial result.
The messages can be sent either to a private chat or to a group or channel on Telegram. Furthermore, it's possible to configure the structure of the message, you can include or exclude parameters such as the symbol name, the magic number, the trade type, the entry price, the targets and the volume of each trade.
Another highlight of Telegram Report is the possibility of applying a filter by magic number. Therefore, it's possible to indicate through the magic number of the EA which operations you want to be sent to Telegram.
With the tool, you can also send a daily report of trades, showing the daily financial result. To do this, simply define the time at which you want the report to be sent and, thus, you will receive a message on Telegram containing the profit and loss value on the trades carried out and the daily financial net result.
Are you interest to know how this powerful tool works? Download now the demo version on the website and check out the video below, in which you'll learn in detail how to setup and use the Telegram Report in MetaTrader5.
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